Project based on the development of young people competencies through Theatre art and non-formal education methods, at the same time developing their important skills and competences.
Summary of the project
The main goal of the Project is to help the participants to gain new skills as well as develop current skills and competences. These skills and competences should help to the youth to learn and improve themselves. Experience which will be gained during the Project will be useful in various real-life situations, e.g. in job searching, in communication with different people, etc.
Tasks carried out during the Project will enable the participants to improve their social-communication skills, artistic expression and remain calm in critical, unforeseen situations.
Currently stress management and presentation skills are very important and Project program will pay attention to these subjects and techniques on how to cope with it. The idea to incorporate theatre art methods to this Project was as a result from the fact that Project place is Lithuanian resort Druskininkai. This resort has 10 years tradition that each summer this place is the summer capital of theatre festival. Project participants will have an opportunity to absorb the knowledge better and faster because all activities are related with practice. Also, applicants will have to indicate their expectations. The main activities during Project are based on creativity, however, youth will have the main goal – to create and build the performance (the spectacle) which will be publicly presented to the residents and guests of Druskininkai. In order to create unique play daily rehearsals are planned. Also, various techniques, methods, tasks and exercises are included in the program to develop and educate young people skills. Throughout the project, participants will learn and be able to use such techniques as stress management, creativity development and improvisation, ability to get away from unexpected situations, to work in a team and achieve common result. As this Project is international participants will have an opportunity to practice and improve their foreign language skills in order to communicate with each other. The result of the Project will be created play which will be not only presented publicly but recorded as well in order to have possibility to discuss about achieved results in individual and team level. At the end of the Project all participants will be asked to fill in the questionnaires in which they will be able to indicate what the Project gave them, what they were taught and if their expectations were justified.
Project target group is Youth of 20-25 years old. And they should be students of bachelor or master programs. During the selection process of participants the main attention will be orientated not to the person competences but to the motivation to participate in the Project.
Project participants are ordinary young people aged 20-25 years. From each country will participate 6 participants (5 participants and 1 leader). If the theater or acting in their life is in favorite areas this would only be an advantage. Project participant’s specific knowledge about the theatrical art form is not required. Because the project is geared to individuals competences competences which relate to communication, foreign language requirements, artistic expression and helps to gain experience in the presence of an international project), it is important that the project involved a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds representing persons with a different worldview. However, they all have to be motivated to participate in the project.
Fill in the online Application form
During the project all accommodation meals program activates are covered by project budget.
- Travel expenses is covered according project budget by Erasmus+ distance calculator.
- Travel costs reimbursement will be done after receiving all travel documents and boarding passes.
- There is a project Participation Fee. Contact us for more details via email: info@fioh-ngo.com
EXCHANGE PROGRAM DATES: 2016-10-31 – 2016-11-11 (+ 1 travel day 2016-11-12)
EXCHANGE PROGRAM ACCOMMODATION: Country side village accommodation place